GPGeMMC 1.25 What's new ?
Added New Pinouts for ISP / Direct Read & Write to eMMC Ic
Samsung S7262 World's 1st
HTC Desire 200 World's 1st
HTC Desire 500 World's 1st
HTC T328D [BlueBoard] World's 1st
LG P930(BETA) World's 1st
Samsung T528D World's 1st
Very Special Thanks to Cemale*****
Added These New eMMC Ic Support:
H26M42001FMR World's 1st
H26M52002CKR World's 1st
H26M64002BNR World's 1st
H26M42001EFR World's 1st
Connectivity Issue Solved ( Some phones not connect with GPGeMMC but Connect fine with other tools is now solved )
Added Volts Checks to verify EMMC Have Hardware issue or Software
Read & Write Speed Improved by 30%
Added Hints if CLK or D0 or any line not Sold properly GPGeMMC software will show you tips it's in beta
Added Changeable VccQ. ( it's not VCC )
Added Support for NEW GPGEMMC Power Adaptor
What is Volts Checks ?
Whenever you connect any phone and press read info. you will see some thing like this
Level (V) Vcc V18 VCCQ D0 CMD CLK Pullup: 0.73 0.00 0.88 1.37 1.06 1.51 Power on: 2.71 1.78 2.53 1.03 1.87 2.75 Set Low: 2.72 1.78 2.53 0.01 0.04 0.01 Set High: 2.72 1.78 2.53 2.75 2.75 2.75
now you can see when GPGeMMC software try to set low volts and it's get answered well from emmc back low volts see Set Low: 2.72 1.78 2.53 "0.01" "0.04" "0.01" and when GPGeMMC Software tey to set High Volts and it's Get answered well from emmc back high volts see Set High: 2.72 1.78 2.53 "2.75" "2.75" "2.75" this mean your Emmc Ic is ok. but if Software try to set low or high and you get always low or always high readings this mean Emmc ic is Damaged and can't be repairable. some phones which always reply less than V1 volt will not connect with GPGeMMC cause of these are 100% hardwarely Dead ic but other devices can read and can take read info from them which are 100% fake. we can prove that if some one wants.
What is Changeable VccQ. ?
Vccq is not normal VCC. it's called "output stage logic power voltage" The power pin that is intended to supply power to the output transistors of the device to provide the potential and energy to drive the load applied to the data output (Q) pins or data input/output (DQ) pins. Other, non-data, output transistors may also be designated to be supplied by this power pin. The potential of VCCQ may be specified the same as or different from that of the primary device power pins (VCC). some emmc ic requiring 1.8 VCCQ and 2.8 Vcc and some emmc ic requiring 2.8 VCCQ and 1.8 Vcc so you can see the different results by changing them from Parameters ( upper left corner ) this is very usefull when you are trying to play with any unsupported phone or phone have with different problems.
New Power Adaptor ?
if you don't have please ask your Reseller... if you buy online from gsmsp.com or shop.gpgindustries.com please ask with your next order or if you want urgent please ask us but for that you have to pay for shipping. if you use power adaptor you make sure you have installed Drivers for New Power Adaptor and Port has been select correctly of New Power Adaptor in JTAG tab.
Please Feel free to post in this thread if you have any problems or you found some bug we will happy to solve them. We want People from across the word who are really talented and willing to work with us. we will support them to find new pinouts for Jtag and for EMMC. whatever information they need we will provide !! like cemale***** from Turkey.

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