Sunday, 1 June 2014

Full And Final hacktivate ios.7.1.1 iphone4 wifi dont works Solution


A. The following method only bypasses iCloud activation on iPhone 4 and after that, it can only be used as iPod, there will be no carrier signal.

Keep in mind, the iOS Soft Dev Pack Tool will not work on iOS 7.1.1, it will brick the iPhone 4 into a boot loop.

1. Download and install Java Development Kit (32 bit)
2. Download and extract GW_iCloud_Bypass.rar
3. Put your iPhone 4 into DFU mode (search on Google if you don't know how)
4. Start SSH.jar and wait until you see Success! written with green in the log there, also the iPhone will show the Apple logo with a grey horizontal line on its sreen
5. Open WinSCP and input, host name, port 2022, user name root, password alpine and press login
6. In WinSCP look for Terminal and open it, then execute command, make sure the terminal says "Mounting /dev/disk0s1s1 on /mnt1" and “Mounting /dev/disk0s1s2 on /mnt2" then close Terminal.
7. In WinSCP right explorer pane, navigate to /Mnt1/Applications and delete folder
8. Close WinSCP and SSH.jar and hard reset your iPhone 4 by holding home and power buttons until the screen goes black and release the buttons
9. Open TinyUmbrella and wait for your iPhone 4 to show as a recovery device (weird name), click on it and click exit recovery, your iPhone4 should boot normally into the home screen

B. The following method promises to hacktivate almost all iOS devices including carrier signal, this is still in testing but come and test if you want. The second testing session starts tonight 06.05.2014 at 23:00 CEST

1. Check out DoulCi - BACK
2. Follow @AquaXetine on Twitter for live updates on the situation
3. This is a free tool and very easy to use, no downloads, only hosts file editing and iTunes, check out this GUIDE on how it's done
4. If it worked for you, appreciate the hard working people by donating to them on DoulCi - BACK

I hope this information helped you out



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